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St. Andrew’s is a charter member of Highland Community Ministries, an ecumenical organization serving those in need in our community.

We participate in and support the work of La Casita Center, whose mission is to enhance the well-being of Louisville’s Latinx community through education, empowerment, and advocacy.

St. Andrew’s has sponsored two refugee families, from Afghanistan and Somalia,  through Kentucky Refugee Ministries in the past five years. 

In partnership with the Episcopal Church of the Advent, since 2009 we have supported and operated a Food Pantry, serving a community of hundreds of individuals, families, and their pets.


More about the Food Pantry

On the second Tuesday of each month, volunteers gather in Advent’s sanctuary of at 5:30 p.m. to prepare for 6 distribution. The pantry concludes by 7. On the Thursday preceding the fourth Saturday of the month, we gather at 6:30 p.m. in Advent’s undercroft to pack boxes for Saturday distribution. Depending on the number of volunteers available this process takes around 30 minutes.

On the fourth Saturday of each month we gather at 8:30 a.m. in Advent’s undercroft to set up and at 9 distribute food and pet food. This is a larger pantry and more volunteers are needed to make everything run smoothly. The food pantry runs until 11.


In between the two scheduled pantry dates each month, additional volunteers are needed weekday mornings to pick up food at Dare to Care’s Food bank and unload at Church of the Advent. Drivers need to either have a large vehicle or partner with someone. While volunteers are available to help unload food, some lifting in required.


At. Saint Andrew’s we are continually collecting dry goods and pet food. Additionally, the money collected on the third Sunday of each month goes into a Food Pantry fund to ensure the pantry has adequate food supplies each month.

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